spring 2025
Beautiful clothes designed for flat women.
Welcome to FlatWear Clothing.
We design clothes for women who have chosen flat closure after a double mastectomy. Our first collection of tops and dresses will be available this Spring 2025.
A handful of people went above and beyond to make our kickstarter a success. Your contributions enabled us to meet our funding goal and succeed in our campaign.
A heartfelt thank you to:
Benefactor Wall of Thanks:
Jonathan Miller
Nancy Huges
Susan Dorr
Philip Friden
Caroline Morong
Nancy Juda
Tricia O’Brien
Kristin Johnson
Nancie Julian
Gillian Horton
Kristen Solo
Gretchen Scott
We are excited to announce the first edition of our new feature.
Living Flat profiles women living with flat closure. We ask about their diagnosis, who they told, their decision to go flat, and how choosing flat has impacted their lives.
FlatWear Co-Founder, Becky Johnson stars in the first edition. Read it now on our Living Flat page linked above.
If you would like to be featured in a profile, please contact us. We would love to hear your story.
Living Flat:
We did it!
A million thanks to everyone who supported our kickstarter campaign - we couldn’t do it without you! With your help we surpassed our funding goal and are moving into designing & producing the full collection. Woo hoo! If you are waiting for a Little Black Top or Dress reward, we will keep you posted on our progress via update emails. If you ordered an FWC cap, tee or hoodie, they have shipped! If you do not receive yours shortly, please let us know.
If you’re unfamiliar with flat closure and would like more information, start here.